National Breed Club

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Fann'yuf Brigadir (Фанньюф Бригадир)

There is an attempt to make a detail description of generation of ancestors of the dog below.

Generation 1

Dog3 photo aviableFann'yuf Brigadir (Фанньюф Бригадир)

Generation 2

Dog56 photo aviableBeguschaya po Volnam Deal Me In (Бегущая по Волнам Деал Ме Ин)
Dog271 photo aviableAquatoriya Kelvin Heather Honey (Акватория Келвин Хизер Хани)

Generation 3

Dog292 photo aviableBegushaya po Volnam Vam I Ne Snilos (Бегущая по Волнам Вам и не Снилось)
Dog13 photo aviableParadeso I Am The Spirit
Dog155 photo aviableAmazing Grace vom Riesrand
Dog91 photo aviableBowaters Time Traveler

Generation 4

Dog82 photo aviableThickish Newfoundland Monnalisadellagioconda
Dog6 photo aviableWyatt Earp vom Riesrand
Dog219 photo aviableCayuga Mescalero
Dog2 photo aviableParadeso Spirito Di Italia
Dog1 photo aviableMilva von Aiching
Dog1 photo aviableBowaters Dancing in the Dark
Dog1 photo aviableBowaters Time And Again
DogParadeso Foxy Lady

Generation 5

DogShalowseas Just an Illusion at Paradeso
DogShalowseas Legal Justice
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Heads I Win Cayuga
Dog12 photo aviableDenis Roussow vom Riesrand
Dog2 photo aviableFamosa von Aiching
Dog2 photo aviableCayuga Cimarron of Bonaventura
Dog1 photo aviableHannibal di Borgoleonardo
Dog2 photo aviableMain Tickle It Happened One Night
Dog3 photo aviableI Will Always Love You
Dog1 photo aviableThickish Newfoundland Jennywren
Dog1 photo aviableLiberty del Castelbarco
Dog1 photo aviableOnyxbay's Winter Warlock
Dog1 photo aviableStarr King Letters to Southwind
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Bowater After Dark
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Runnin' With The Devil
DogParadeso Classico

Generation 6

DogKarazan Love Tiff
Dog3 photo aviableDarbydales All Rise Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviablePouch Cove's The Shareholder
Dog3 photo aviableLotgardens The Talented Talisman
DogMain Tickle Uhura
Dog1 photo aviableChipsy Queen von Aiching
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
DogPouch Cove's Spins a Dream
Dog5 photo aviableSeabrooks Steppin Out at Pooh Bear
Dog5 photo aviableCayuga Cheyenne at Robber Baron
Dog2 photo aviableMount Cook Qennedy
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Repeat After Me At Karazan
Dog2 photo aviableTopsy's San Sebastian
Dog1 photo aviableJasmin Jessie del Castelbarco
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
Dog1 photo aviableThickish Newfoundland Hot Dog
DogToppoloppos Daddy Blue for Angelhouse
Dog3 photo aviableTala Bear's in the Teethofyou
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Casts Its Vote
Dog5 photo aviablePouch Cove's Dark Horse
DogMidnight Lady's Inspiration
DogShalowseas Indian Summer
DogAmalfi vom Riesrand
DogTala Bear's Real Danger
Dog5 photo aviableDarbydales Pouch Cove Appeal
DogBoja Adamel
DogPouch Cove's Spellcaster
DogShalowseas Havana
DogStarr Kings Lonesome Dove

Generation 7

Dog2 photo aviableLotgardens Menelek
Dog16 photo aviableAnd I'm Great To Be Back
Dog1 photo aviableMilos vom Riesrand
DogMidnight Lady's Flash Dance
Dog2 photo aviableDarbydales Shake'M Up
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
Dog1 photo aviableTopsy's Evening Star
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Northern Spirit
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableOwasco Zero Hour 3AM
Dog2 photo aviableOwasco Zoe at Cayuga
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Repeat After Me At Karazan
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Ludvig
Dog5 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Ghost Buster
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
Dog1 photo aviableMain Tickle Franklispeaking
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
DogMain Tickle Kirieeleison
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Candidate
DogPouch Cove's Make Believe
DogLotgardens Pirramimma v.Patriot
DogBarharber Moonshadow Nerlin
DogBritannias to the Manor Born
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Windwagon Whaler
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
DogCypress Bays Pouch Cove Chest'r
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
DogPouch Cove's My American Dream
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
DogPouch Cove's On All Fours
Dog1 photo aviableShiprocks Legacy Wheeler Dealer
DogMount Cook Miss Money Penny
Dog1 photo aviableAsita von Aiching
Dog1 photo aviableLiisa vom Riesrand
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableNumas Incumbent at Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades Barcardi
DogAntigua vom Riesrand
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Juliette of Pooh Bear
Dog1 photo aviableFerrylands Ecolette
DogKarazan Rockafella
DogAntares Bewitched Pouch Cove
DogZentaur Hanky Panky
DogLavallen Holly
DogShermead Co Co Chanelle

Generation 8

Dog4 photo aviableMain Tickle Dark Knight
DogMain Tickle DevilTakeCareOfPowWow
Dog1 photo aviableEgebaeks Indiana Jones
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogLotgardens Greve Van Dipper
DogUrsulas Gideon the Sweet
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's St. Andrews
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Persuader
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Pharlap
Dog1 photo aviableOwasco Zero Hour 3AM
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
DogPinquin Bay Silvia
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog2 photo aviableTopsy's San Sebastian
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBlue Moon of Sun Bay
DogCayuga We Are Not Angels
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Candidate
Dog2 photo aviableMount Cook Nugget Nini of Midniht Lady
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Shiprock Sydney
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Trips to Win
DogPouch Cove's On All Fours
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogCypress Bays Can Do Cassandra
DogValborgs Hazel of Mount Cook
DogAmoradas Invisible Touch
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Albert
Dog1 photo aviableLiisa vom Riesrand
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
DogSeabrooks Sissy Pooh Bear
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Matter of Fact
DogBritannia's Berry of Pouch cove
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogBarharber's John Cabot
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Objection Overruled
DogTracks of Glory vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades Barcardi
DogTala Bear's Real Danger
Dog1 photo aviableTala Bear's Wings of the Wind
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's First Class Numa
DogFjordblinks Hakon
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades vom Heckenhof
DogFenja vom Riesrand
DogGina aus der Mackenmuhle
DogMainTickle Joshua of Tarbell
DogWurtenau Princess of Asia
DogBarharber's Rosco Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Justina Ranchero
Dog2 photo aviableBastiaan van Beerkestein

Generation 9

Dog1 photo aviableNumas What Class Southwind
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogNordbjorns Gringo
DogAesirs Country Girl
DogJoringel North Country Song
Dog1 photo aviableTopsy's Evening Star
Dog1 photo aviableDaddy Manlio of Pow Wow
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Persuader
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
DogTwillin Gate Queenberry
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Sail of Pouch Cove
DogAesirs Abigail
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Ludvig
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog1 photo aviableBjornebandens Jack Teagarden
DogSun Valleys Cindy of Vertigo
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogCayuga We Are Not Angels
DogBritannias to the Manor Born
DogLotgardens Lea Loa Lonaja
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Jazz of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Shiprock Sydney
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
DogShiprocks Ireestable Force
Dog1 photo aviableShiprocks Legacy Wheeler Dealer
DogCannon Bear's Greta Garbo
DogJehaj Emir
DogJehaj Vilhelmina
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
DogElrids Walley Webster
Dog2 photo aviableGammel Dansk vom Riesrand
DogPinquin Bay Colette
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
Dog1 photo aviableGraf von Luxemburg
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Bellefleur Seabrook
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
Dog2 photo aviableSikandi Aussie Bear
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Matter of Fact
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogPlavias Conny Boy
DogBarharber's John Cabot
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
Dog1 photo aviableKilykas Benediction
DogBlackstones Percival James
DogBaysides Promise
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades vom Heckenhof
DogBummi aus der Mackenmuhle
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogShadybrooks Late Arrival
Dog1 photo aviableNew-Fuur-Land's Eros
DogFenja vom Riesrand
DogAmoradas A'Shantee
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
Dog2 photo aviableBastiaan van Beerkestein
DogAnuschka von den Waller Neufundlandern
Dog1 photo aviableKatinka
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle

Generation 10

Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogJoringel North Country Song
DogTwillin Gate Queenberry
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Repeat After Me At Karazan
DogPinquin Bay Silvia
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog2 photo aviableTopsy's San Sebastian
Dog1 photo aviableBjornebandens Jack Teagarden
DogBlack Bears Top of the Stairs
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogAntarica Del Marenate
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogKilykas Amen Amen
DogShiprocks Ireestable Force
DogJehaj Odette
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogUrsulas Black Berry
DogFerry von Sonnenberg
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableSun Valleys Solitaire
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
Dog1 photo aviableGraf von Luxemburg
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
DogScanias Yankee of Sacramento
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
DogBritannia's Berry of Pouch cove
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
DogPlavias Conny Boy
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogZarah von Luxemburg
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogClassical Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
DogUrsulas Admiral Ascot
DogBlack Domes Sir Coxwain
DogGass-Cohns Jo-Jo-Bonnie
DogBlackstones Percival James
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
DogSpring Harbors Storm-A-Bruin
DogSpring Harbors Sand Pebbles
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogTopmast's Peter Pan of Ferntree
DogCannon Bear's Cotton Top
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
DogAntje von Soven
Dog1 photo aviableLotgardens Petra van Emigrant
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogWindrifts Sunnyside Dixie
DogBlackcoat Conetta
DogNewf House Estrellita
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogAqua Canis Baruch
DogHilvigs Helga
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogPlanhaven Bonnie Bell
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
DogBlackstones Brooklyn
DogSouthwinds Martika
Dog1 photo aviableKatinka
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogShadybrooks Try for an Oscar
DogReaching Breeze of Pouch Cove
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle

Generation 11

Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogJoringel North Country Song
Dog1 photo aviableTopsy's Evening Star
DogPinquin Bay Silvia
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Sail of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
DogBjornebandens Try for an Oscar
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogPouch Cove's On All Fours
DogKilykas Amen Amen
DogJehaj Emir
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogElrids Walley Webster
DogPinquin Bay Colette
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogUrsulas Black Berry
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
DogTrappers Black Suomi
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableMarke von der Niederburg
DogGass-Cohns Zatji
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogZarah von Luxemburg
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
DogTopmast's Peppermint Patti
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogClassical Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
DogBjergegards I Playboy
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogFesta vom Broichbachtal
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogShadybrooks Late Arrival
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
DogCannon Bear's Another Clay Basket
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogNoritas Braun the Favorite
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Nickit
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogGass-Cohns New Look
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlackstones Brooklyn
DogRoosevelt of Thunder Bay
DogMariners Littlecreek Holly
DogBaysides Black Amber
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogLotgardens Emigrant
DogTrappers Black Brilliant

Generation 12

Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogJoringel North Country Song
DogUrsulas Gideon the Sweet
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogJehaj Emir
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogElrids Walley Webster
DogPinquin Bay Colette
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
DogUrsulas Black Berry
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
DogCayuga Futura of Bonavista
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogHalef von Giskadi
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableMarke von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas McMortensen
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogTopmast's Star Dust
DogBjergegards G Anuschka
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogCicero von Galloway
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogPia von Brungerst
DogFesta vom Broichbachtal
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogLarissimas Edith Piaf
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogBlack Bears Kjartan Viking
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogFelix von Nordlingen
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogNewf House Estrellita
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogAqua Canis Baruch
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogShadybrooks Try for an Oscar
DogReaching Breeze of Pouch Cove
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg

Generation 13

DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogAesirs Abigail
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogDalkens La Rochelle
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
DogUrsulas Black Berry
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogFinnbear Ikaros
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogCherri von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogCaniz Major Lady
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogCora vom Ostseestrand
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Cotton Candy
DogCaniz Major Muntanus
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogCicero von Galloway
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogPia von Brungerst
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogFelix von Nordlingen
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogNewf House Estrellita
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogAqua Canis Baruch
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogBlack Bears C-Seaqueen
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogHornblowers Eye of the Storm
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogIngo von Brungerst
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogBubbelinas Aegir Skibber
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg

Generation 14

Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogPunnilan Turja
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogAxel vom Botzowgraben
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogCherri von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogCaniz Major Teres
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
DogUrsulas Admiral Ascot
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogCicero von Galloway
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogHilvigs Helga
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogAndra von der Wedemark
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
Dog1 photo aviableNapanewfs Angus of Kimtale
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogLittle Bears Two if by Sea
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogIngo von Brungerst
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg

Generation 15

DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogPunnilan Turja
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogAtze vom Jakobshein
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogCicero von Galloway
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogCabot Doeschka
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 16

Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogPunnilan Turja
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogAstor vom Augustinergrund
DogElka vom Sylvanerhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogCicero von Galloway
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 17

Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogAnett vom Sylvanerhof
DogEdda Condessa von Marienborn
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogCicero von Galloway
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 18

Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogCondessa von der Linde
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 19

Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
DogJussof von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPunnilan Morri
DogAvalons Daphne
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 20

Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogPunnilan Morri
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof


Всего 1251 собака - 586 кобелей и 665 сук.


To describe in detail: ancestors | bescendants.

Numbering system: is absent | Konovalov | d'Abovill.

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31 December 2024
22:23 SNOU-KVIN (СНОУ-КВИН): С новым годом!!! Пусть сбываются все мечты и мгновенно появляются новые!!!
1 January 2025
00:23 Jakov (Жаков): С Новым годом!
18:50 YEl'vira (Эльвира): С Новым годом!
20:15 YEl'vira (Эльвира): С Новым годом!
2 January 2025
06:07 Dori (Дори): С Новым годом!!!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
7 January 2025
15:27 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): 19 км СПБ-Токсово, Лен. обл. По шоссе бежит ньюф домашний, ухоженный... ВК
8 January 2025
00:34 Jakov (Жаков): Евгений, сообщают, что уже нашли хозяев.
07:00 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Ну и хорошо, повезло, и ему, и хозяевам...
20 February 2025
12:49 Busya: Сайт РКПН умер или переехал куда? Кто-то в курсе? Не соскучилась, просто нашла старые ссылки, а там фига.
14:25 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
14:25 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
14:26 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
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// Editor: Kirill Ermakov
// Developer: Eugene Nenaglyadov
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