National Breed Club

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Превью фото № 1063
Dog1 photo aviableFedora (Федора)
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Aquatoriya Kelvin Celsius (Акватория Келвин Цельсиус)

There is an attempt to make a detail description of generation of ancestors of the dog below.

Generation 1

DogAquatoriya Kelvin Celsius (Акватория Келвин Цельсиус)

Generation 2

Dog35 photo aviableAquatoriya Kelvin Yunique Malina Style (Акватория Келвин Юник Малина Стайл)
Dog4 photo aviableAquatoriya Kelvin Marschall (Акватория Келвин Марсчалл)

Generation 3

Dog234 photo aviableAkvatoriya Kelvin Zaskiya (Акватория Келвин Заския)
Dog96 photo aviableAquatoriya Kelvin Fase Control (Акватория Келвин Фэйс Контрол)
Dog62 photo aviableAquatoriya Kelvin Fifa (Акватория Келвин Фифа)
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Southwind Serendipity

Generation 4

Dog20 photo aviablePouch Cove's Head of State
Dog88 photo aviableVell Spirit Lillit (Велл Спирит Лилит)
Dog6 photo aviableWyatt Earp vom Riesrand
Dog76 photo aviableKing of Helluland Just Love
DogPouch Cove's Fashion Statement
Dog27 photo aviableSeabrooks Best Man at Pouch Cove

Generation 5

Dog3 photo aviableDarbydales All Rise Pouch Cove
Dog29 photo aviableKing Sibiria von Aiching
Dog4 photo aviableAleksandria Kelvin (Александрия Келвин)
Dog1 photo aviableHannibal di Borgoleonardo
Dog1 photo aviableLiberty del Castelbarco
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Casts Its Vote
Dog1 photo aviableMilky Way King of Helluland
DogSeabrooks Simple Dreams
Dog54 photo aviableKing of Helluland Duke of Heaven
Dog47 photo aviableKodiak Acres Name in Bright Lights
Dog11 photo aviableSun Valleys Petitions Pouch Cove
DogPouch Cove's Always In Style

Generation 6

Dog20 photo aviablePouch Cove's Head of State
DogDarbydales On The Mark
Dog4 photo aviableBlack Pride Adonis from Skippers
Dog16 photo aviableAnd I'm Great To Be Back
Dog2 photo aviableFamosa von Aiching
Dog43 photo aviableAkvanavt iz Tihogo Omuta (Акванавт из Тихого Омута)
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog2 photo aviableDarbydales Shake'M Up
DogKelli (Келли)
Dog1 photo aviableJasmin Jessie del Castelbarco
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Candidate
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Casts Its Vote
Dog3 photo aviableFrench Fries King of Helluland
Dog6 photo aviableSkippers Extravagant King of Helluland
DogAmalfi vom Riesrand
DogTala Bear's Real Danger
Dog3 photo aviablePouch Cove's Navy Cut of Cayuga
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Keynote Speaker
Dog1 photo aviableSeabrooks Street of Dreams
DogSouthwinds Mad About You
Dog8 photo aviableCouncil Cups Star of Kodiak Acres
DogSun Valleys Something About Sophie

Generation 7

Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Vintage Southwind
Dog3 photo aviableDarbydales All Rise Pouch Cove
Dog4 photo aviableMain Tickle Dark Knight
DogVojvoda di Borgoleonardo
Dog5 photo aviableDag v. Elbdeich
Dog1 photo aviableChipsy Queen von Aiching
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Goliath
Dog2 photo aviableDarbydales Shake'M Up
Dog5 photo aviableCayuga Cheyenne at Robber Baron
Dog2 photo aviableZharkaya Noch iz Medvejyego Yara (Жаркая Ночь из Медвежьего Яра)
Dog2 photo aviableNumas Had to be Pouch Cove
Dog6 photo aviableCouncil Cups Dantes Alibi
DogSun Valleys Brenrich Ribbon
Dog2 photo aviableMount Cook Qennedy
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableOwasco Zero Hour 3AM
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Statesman
DogCayuga Wonderful Dream Realize
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Gold Sensation
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
Dog1 photo aviableBlue Moon of Sun Bay
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
Dog5 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Great Expectation
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Candidate
DogBritannias to the Manor Born
DogRozina Darvey Barted (Розина Дарвей Бартед)
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Shiprock Sydney
DogPouch Cove's My American Dream
Dog1 photo aviableShiprocks Legacy Wheeler Dealer
Dog1 photo aviableLiisa vom Riesrand
DogSeabrooks Rachel Rachel
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Casts Its Vote
DogPouch Cove's Event At Southwind
Dog3 photo aviableFrench Fries King of Helluland
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Objection Overruled
DogUrsinus Velutus Odiseja
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades Barcardi
DogCouncil Cups Dejavu

Generation 8

Dog3 photo aviableDarbydales All Rise Pouch Cove
Dog28 photo aviableLene's Black Berry
Dog4 photo aviableMain Tickle Dark Knight
Dog1 photo aviableMain Tickle Northern Dancer of Ursinus
DogVojvoda di Borgoleonardo
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog2 photo aviableDarbydales Shake'M Up
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Northern Spirit
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Underfoot
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableDaddy Manlio of Pow Wow
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Persuader
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Phaedra
Dog1 photo aviableOwasco Zero Hour 3AM
Dog2 photo aviableOwasco Zoe at Cayuga
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
Dog2 photo aviableCouncil Cups Alibi Palmisano
DogPouch Cove's Numas Tiani
Dog3 photo aviableHanna Rif Barri Bie (Ханна Риф Барри Биэ)
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Ludvig
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog2 photo aviableTopsy's San Sebastian
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Gold Sensation
DogSun Valleys Cindy of Vertigo
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga We Are Not Angels
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
Dog5 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Great Expectation
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Candidate
Dog2 photo aviableMount Cook Nugget Nini of Midniht Lady
DogNordkjerns Entertainer
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Windwagon Whaler
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Shiprock Sydney
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogShiprocks Ireestable Force
DogMount Cook Miss Money Penny
DogBalou v.Elbdeich
Dog1 photo aviableAsita von Aiching
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Bellefleur Seabrook
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
DogBarbara Him Yasmon (Барбара Хим Ясмон)
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Matter of Fact
DogBritannia's Berry of Pouch cove
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogBarharber's John Cabot
Dog1 photo aviableDariy (Дарий)
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Objection Overruled
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
DogSun Valleys Muddy Creek Brook
Dog1 photo aviableKilykas Benediction
DogFjordblinks Hakon
Dog1 photo aviableEskapades vom Heckenhof
DogUrsinus Velutus Juma
DogFenja vom Riesrand
DogCouncil Cups Lous Meriwether
DogImerald Dask
DogSnukki Lik Rait
Dog2 photo aviableBastiaan van Beerkestein

Generation 9

Dog4 photo aviableMain Tickle Dark Knight
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog2 photo aviableDarbydales Shake'M Up
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogJoringel North Country Song
Dog1 photo aviableTopsy's Evening Star
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableDaddy Manlio of Pow Wow
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Pharlap
Dog1 photo aviableOwasco Zero Hour 3AM
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
Dog2 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quintex
DogTwillin Gate Queenberry
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's All American Amity
DogStillwaters Liberty Underfoot
DogCouncil Cups Diogenes Lamp
Dog1 photo aviableStif iz Krasnogo Yara (Стиф из Красного Яра)
DogPinquin Bay Silvia
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Sail of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog1 photo aviableKvisi's Charming Corinne
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
Dog1 photo aviableMuddy Creeks Sun Valley Tessa
Dog1 photo aviableMain Tickle From the Next World of Pow Wow
DogAntarica Del Marenate
DogCayuga We Are Not Angels
Dog10 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Especially For You
Dog2 photo aviableMount Cook Nugget Nini of Midniht Lady
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Jazz of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Arbitrage
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Shiprock Sydney
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Trips to Win
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogKilykas Amen Amen
DogShiprocks Ireestable Force
DogValborgs Hazel of Mount Cook
DogCannon Bear's Greta Garbo
Dog2 photo aviableRika Zhaness (Рика Жанесс)
Dog1 photo aviableNiadh van de Knijpsbrug
Dog4 photo aviableNew-Fuur-Land's Block Buster
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Albert
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
DogElrids Walley Webster
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSun Valleys Solitaire
DogBearbrook's Ursinus Velutus Dan
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
Dog1 photo aviableGraf von Luxemburg
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Matter of Fact
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogPlavias Conny Boy
DogBarharber's John Cabot
Dog1 photo aviableHim Toch YAnus (Хим Точ Янус)
DogVikurs Prays (Викурс Прайс)
DogYAssol' Tedyen (Яссоль Тедэн)
DogKrista (Криста)
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Objection Overruled
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
Dog1 photo aviableKilykas Benediction
DogBlackstones Percival James
DogUrsulas Peraya
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogShadybrooks Late Arrival
DogBears Dens Takes Two to Tango
Dog2 photo aviableMiss Macy of Council Cup
DogGina aus der Mackenmuhle
DogWindrifts Sunnyside Dixie
DogNordkjern's Baguatelle
DogPeters Eyleen the Queen
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableKatinka
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle

Generation 10

Dog1 photo aviableFloser Milena (Флосер Милена)
Dog1 photo aviableUrsa Ulla (Урса Улла)
DogDyenni YArvol'f (Дэнни Ярвольф)
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogNordbjorns Gringo
DogAesirs Country Girl
DogJoringel North Country Song
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's Diorissimo
Dog1 photo aviableDaddy Manlio of Pow Wow
Dog1 photo aviableTwillin Gate Persuader
Dog1 photo aviablePow Wow First Date of Skimeister
Dog3 photo aviableTwillin Gate Quomandor
DogTwillin Gate Queenberry
Dog5 photo aviableJubilees You're the Top
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
Dog2 photo aviableBaji Mulug
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogPouch Cove's Muddy Creeks Tess
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog1 photo aviableBjornebandens Jack Teagarden
DogKvisi's Amanda
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogAntarica Del Marenate
DogCayuga We Are Not Angels
DogGeminorum Elghenubi
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Jazz of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogKilykas Amen Amen
DogShiprocks Ireestable Force
DogAntares Panda Yuppie Dj
DogCannon Bear's Greta Garbo
Dog4 photo aviableJashot YUt Ta (Жашот Ют Та)
Dog2 photo aviableNessi Greyz (Несси Грейз)
Dog1 photo aviableTopsy's Donazetti
Dog1 photo aviableJehaj Albert
DogJehaj Emir
DogJehaj Vilhelmina
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
DogElrids Walley Webster
Dog2 photo aviableGammel Dansk vom Riesrand
DogPinquin Bay Colette
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogUrsulas Black Berry
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogCayuga Icebreakeroftopmast
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
DogBlack Domes Handle With Care
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Antares Fanfare
Dog2 photo aviableSeabrooks Headmaster Tabu
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
Dog1 photo aviableVikont (Виконт)
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogPlavias Conny Boy
DogBarharber's John Cabot
DogTochka Djosan (Точка Джосан)
Dog1 photo aviableBaltin Janus (Бальтин Янус)
Dog1 photo aviableBrekan Cinda (Брекан Цинда)
DogTerri Urbush (Терри Урбуш)
Dog2 photo aviableNapu (Напу)
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Objection Overruled
DogZarah von Luxemburg
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
DogTopmast's Peppermint Patti
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogClassical Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
Dog1 photo aviableKilykas Benediction
DogBlackstones Percival James
DogHoamsteds Last Patch of Winter
DogTopmast's Council Cup Nave Doria
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogBummi aus der Mackenmuhle
DogCannon Bear's Cotton Top
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
DogBears Dens Takes Two to Tango
DogGeminorum Graphiasgallo
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogWindrifts Sunnyside Dixie
DogCayuga Nickit
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogBlackstones Brooklyn
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogShadybrooks Try for an Oscar
DogReaching Breeze of Pouch Cove
DogSpillways Purgatory of Ski
DogOlde Mills My T Fine at Bears Den
DogJolly Rogers Tumblin' Dice

Generation 11

Dog2 photo aviableSanchio YAngdjey (Санчио Янгджей)
DogPol'di Ivdjey (Польди Ивджей)
Dog2 photo aviableFloser Makbet (Флосер Макбет)
DogDjoy Berni (Джой Берни)
Dog6 photo aviableThe Bombardier
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogNordbjorns Gringo
DogJoringel North Country Song
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Rendition
DogVon Milo-Rosa Gabrielle
DogTapolca-Tavi Botond
DogBaji Hedi
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableJoringel Christmas Carol
Dog1 photo aviableBjornebandens Jack Teagarden
DogBjornebandens Try for an Oscar
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Skye of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogAntarica Del Marenate
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog1 photo aviableGeminorum Elettra
DogGeminorum Elghenubi
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
DogJubilees Anything Goes
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
DogCayuga Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogPouch Cove's Firewater of Antares
DogSkimeister's Meg of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogKilykas Amen Amen
DogJehaj Vilhelmina
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
DogElrids Walley Webster
DogBlack Domes Miss Caminickers
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogUrsulas Black Berry
DogUrsulas Maria Callas
DogFerry von Sonnenberg
Dog1 photo aviableGeminorum Alhena
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Blackberry Blossom
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
DogCayuga Futura of Bonavista
Dog1 photo aviableDulrick's a Tail Spin
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
Dog1 photo aviableGraf von Luxemburg
DogArvals Nordstrands Talisman
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
Dog3 photo aviableTabus Seabrook Nobelle Prize
Dog1 photo aviableMeandr (Меандр)
Dog7 photo aviableSir James (Сэр Джеймс)
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogUsedi Agli (Уседи Агли)
DogYAnina Pallant (Янина Паллант)
DogFelix Austrias Alexia
DogGerced Florina (Герцед Флорина)
Dog3 photo aviableMario vom Wolfswinkel (Марио фом Вольфсвинкель)
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog2 photo aviableYUdji Greys (Юджи Грейс)
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog3 photo aviableYUt Gay (Ют Гай)
Dog2 photo aviableZlat Maconi (Злат Мацони)
Dog1 photo aviableMidnight Lady's African Star
DogPlavias Conny Boy
DogBarharber's John Cabot
DogTafi Djosan (Тафи Джосан)
Dog1 photo aviableHorsan Brenta (Хорсан Брента)
Dog1 photo aviableBart z Niedzwiedziej Gawry
Dog1 photo aviableBenita Jarna (Бенита Ярна)
Dog4 photo aviableVikoni Kanzas (Викони Канзас)
Dog1 photo aviableMarke von der Niederburg
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogTopsails Thunder Skibber
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
DogTopmast's Maggie Muggins
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
DogTopmast's Peppermint Patti
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogTopmast's Star Dust
DogClassical Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogShiprocks Look to Liberty
DogBlack Domes Sir Coxwain
Dog1 photo aviableKilykas Benediction
Dog1 photo aviableMouskas Love-A-Lot Bear
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Justin
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
DogUrsula Vaned (Урсула Ванед)
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogFesta vom Broichbachtal
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogCannon Bear's Cotton Top
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
DogCannon Bear's Another Clay Basket
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
DogSun Valleys Winter Sky
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogWindrifts Sunnyside Dixie
DogCayuga Nickit
DogBlackcoat Conetta
DogNewf House Estrellita
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogAqua Canis Baruch
DogHilvigs Helga
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogPeppertrees Gem of Abbyacre
DogBlackstones Brooklyn
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogSpillways Purgatory of Ski
DogOlde Mills My T Fine at Bears Den

Generation 12

Dog1 photo aviableAl Gitto Burke (Ал Гитто Бурке)
Dog2 photo aviableSanchio YAngdjey (Санчио Янгджей)
Dog2 photo aviableSerdjam Nike (Серджам Нике)
Dog3 photo aviableAyna Evi (Айна Еви)
DogDjoy Berni (Джой Берни)
Dog2 photo aviableHorna Can (Хорна Цан)
Dog1 photo aviableUrsulas Happy Hiawatha
DogJoringel North Country Song
DogUrsulas Gideon the Sweet
Dog1 photo aviableBerry vom Gottleubatal (Берри ф.Готтлейбаталь)
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Lady be Good
DogDecembear of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
DogBjornebandens Try for an Oscar
Dog1 photo aviableBarharber's Just West of East
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's American Maid
DogKilykas Amen Amen
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogBarharber's Sweet William
DogElrids Walley Webster
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogBlack Bears Apache Joe
DogUrsulas Black Berry
Dog1 photo aviableGeminorum Alhena
Dog4 photo aviablePouch Cove's Favorite Son
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Treasure Chest
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Blackberry Blossom
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
Dog1 photo aviableOur Bearbrook Domino de Dourga
DogJules de Dourga
Dog1 photo aviableSun Valleys Solitaire
DogCayuga Futura of Bonavista
Dog1 photo aviableDulrick's a Tail Spin
DogEliza Dolittle vom Schwarzen Baren
DogTuckamores Chanel Number Five
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog5 photo aviableTabus Pooh Bearabella
Dog1 photo aviableFey Dar (Фей Дар)
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
DogSeabrooks Tug Boat of Sekema
Dog3 photo aviableZuray Dardji Bey (Зурай Дарджи Бей)
Dog2 photo aviablePrinc CHang Bey (Принц Чанг Бей)
DogPallada Bey (Паллада Бей)
DogLi Gera Bey (Ли Гера Бей)
DogHalef von Giskadi
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
DogKliwia z Rybackiej Przystani
Dog1 photo aviableCHarodeyka (Чародейка)
Dog7 photo aviableSir James (Сэр Джеймс)
DogWaldemar Burke
DogKlams Black Ah ha-Ja Jah
DogVon Mar Bella Tarantella
Dog1 photo aviableCedor (Цедор)
DogNikol' SHelli (Николь Шелли)
DogIvetta (Иветта)
Dog3 photo aviableAli von der Woltersdorfer Hohe (Али фон дер Вольтерсдорфер Хёэ)
Dog1 photo aviableAgava Ger (Агава Гер)
DogYAnga Pallant (Янга Паллант)
DogYAnina Pallant (Янина Паллант)
Dog1 photo aviableYUdjin Gabri (Юджин Габри)
Dog2 photo aviableGlor Nyuta (Глор Нюта)
DogGerced Florina (Герцед Флорина)
Dog1 photo aviableVikont (Виконт)
DogCitty vom Fuss der blauen Berge
DogDux von Dellheim
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog2 photo aviableDjipsi Askrin (Джипси Аскрин)
Dog1 photo aviableDani Askrin (Дани Аскрин)
DogPlavias Conny Boy
DogDux von Baskerville
Dog1 photo aviableBart z Niedzwiedziej Gawry
DogVega Asli (Вега Асли)
DogRistolahden Casanova
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogZarah von Luxemburg
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's John Houston
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
DogTopmast's Peppermint Patti
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogTopmast's Star Dust
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Cotton Candy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Jessica Rose
DogClassical Jazz of Pouch Cove
DogBlack Domes Sir Coxwain
DogBam-Bellas Majk
DogWesa Borg Niobe
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
DogCicero von Galloway
DogPia von Brungerst
DogFjordblinks Hakon
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogLarissimas Edith Piaf
DogTopmast's Blackberry
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
DogNordstrand's Bjorn Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
DogCannon Bear's Another Clay Basket
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogAntje von Soven
DogFelix von Nordlingen
DogEyk von Grafenstein
DogCarlo Zdenbar CS
DogJutadombi Bernadette
DogBaji Alma
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
DogWindrifts Sunnyside Dixie
DogCayuga Nickit
DogBlackcoat Conetta
DogNewf House Estrellita
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogVanille Derjavine
DogArvals Cape of Good Hope
DogGass-Cohns Undine
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
DogBlack Bears Nanna Black Lion
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogHornblowers Eye of the Storm
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogMouskas Twiggy

Generation 13

DogUrsulas Gideon the Sweet
Dog1 photo aviableBerry vom Gottleubatal (Берри ф.Готтлейбаталь)
Dog1 photo aviableYankee Peddler of Pouch Cove
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogMooncussers Kayla Pouch Cove
DogAesirs Abigail
DogBubbelinas Dekanawida Squaw
Dog5 photo aviableJohn's Big Ben of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableDalkens Denver of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Sibyl
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogElrids Walley Webster
Dog1 photo aviableRebekka von Soven
Dog2 photo aviableEnrik von Luxemburg
DogUrsulas Black Berry
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableSouvenir of Pouch Cove
DogBarharber's Just Claudia
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Louis Riel
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogAuroralews Topmast Wild Rose
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
Dog1 photo aviableOur Bearbrook Domino de Dourga
DogCayuga Futura of Bonavista
Dog1 photo aviableTabus Mr Otis Regrets
Dog1 photo aviableBos'n Bo Terranova Rhea
DogDulrick's Shot'n The Dark
DogCraig Farm Holly
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
Dog3 photo aviableEva Blyek (Ева Блэк)
DogGerda (Герда)
DogDina (Дина)
DogSHarota SHelli Aldji (Шарота Шелли Алджи)
Dog1 photo aviableCana Bey (Цана Бей)
DogZamba Dardji Bey (Замба Дарджи Бей)
Dog2 photo aviablePrinc CHang Bey (Принц Чанг Бей)
DogPallada Bey (Паллада Бей)
DogLi Gera Bey (Ли Гера Бей)
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogSandra von der Juliana
Dog2 photo aviableGin von der Hudson Bay (Джин фон дер Гудзон Бей)
DogFerry von der Hudson Bay
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Dar'ya (Морси Дарья)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogKliwia z Rybackiej Przystani
Dog5 photo aviableMorsi Kuzya (Морси Кузя)
DogGervik (Гервик)
DogStyopa (Стёпа)
DogGloriya (Глория)
Dog1 photo aviableGlafi Reya (Глафи Рея)
Dog1 photo aviableMeandr (Меандр)
Dog7 photo aviableSir James (Сэр Джеймс)
DogWaldemar Burke
DogKlams Black Ah ha-Ja Jah
DogBjorntorp Ulrika
DogBjorntorp Umara
Dog1 photo aviablePontus von Mar Bella (Понтус фон Мар Белла)
DogGerogeest Ekko
DogNattanin Rita
DogFinnbear Katja
Dog1 photo aviableJeyra Fedra (Жейра Федра)
Dog1 photo aviableCedor (Цедор)
DogNikol' SHelli (Николь Шелли)
DogUsedi Agli (Уседи Агли)
Dog1 photo aviableNeron Askri (Нерон Аскри)
Dog3 photo aviableAli von der Woltersdorfer Hohe (Али фон дер Вольтерсдорфер Хёэ)
DogBeatrix vom Arres Pfuhl
DogAstra Ger (Астра Гер)
DogAl-Gritt (Ал Гритт)
DogYAnga Pallant (Янга Паллант)
DogFeya YAn (Фея Ян)
Dog1 photo aviableGabi Morfi (Габи Морфи)
Dog3 photo aviableTop Geri (Топ Гери)
Dog1 photo aviableBars (Барс)
Dog1 photo aviableAstra von Pappelheim (Астра фон Папельхайм)
DogBessy von der Burg Normannstein
DogAmboss vom Plantagenhof
Dog4 photo aviableO'Leyzi CHep (О'Лейзи Чеп)
DogAstor vom Klausenhof
DogAnje von Gillberg
DogArras vom Helenentor
Dog3 photo aviableMario vom Wolfswinkel (Марио фом Вольфсвинкель)
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogCherri von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableLa Bellas Goliath
Dog4 photo aviableGer Ama (Гер Ама)
DogCitti vom Cux
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
DogEmmes vom Brummelbar Hof
Dog1 photo aviableKrim Podkowa
DogCara Bryza Czarna Muszla
DogBella von Hellerand
DogDux von Baskerville
DogRusthollin Ani
Dog1 photo aviableMarke von der Niederburg
DogKarilands Enok (Karilands Enok)
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogLerkevangs Lars (Lerkevangs Lars)
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogBam-Bellas Heppy
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
DogTopmast's Peppermint Patti
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's John Henry
DogTopmast's Star Dust
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Cotton Candy
DogAbbyacres Topmast Sofie Tucker
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogFesta vom Broichbachtal
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogYoungster von Porte Amarre
DogLarissimas Edith Piaf
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Blackberry
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
Dog1 photo aviableFreiherr vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogLord vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogCilly vom Solequell
DogAli vom Tapferen Schneiderlein
DogBela z Slunecni skaly
DogJutadombi Bernadette
DogSt. Georgi Antoine
DogBelzebub Leila
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogGigie de Dourga
DogVanille Derjavine
DogBlack Bears C-Seaqueen
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogVirginia von den Fuchshalden
DogCabotos Brown Astra
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogHornblowers Eye of the Storm
Dog1 photo aviableNapanewfs Angus of Kimtale
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKlams Black Kora Kandy (Klams Black Kora Kandy)
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogIngo von Brungerst
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogBubbelinas Aegir Skibber
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogThe Sleeper of Newton Ark
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogKadunai Bagira

Generation 14

DogJanka vom Tullnerhof
DogBarharbers Wilbur Right
DogAesirs Abigail
Dog2 photo aviableTuckamores Big Dipper
Dog3 photo aviableKeepsake of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Making Waves
DogDalkens La Rochelle
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogKilykas Aphrodite Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableHighland Bear of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableBearbrook's Barnacle Bill
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogTopmast's Sarah Jane
Dog1 photo aviableBrunhaus Bobby of Topmast
DogTopmast's Jack Frost
DogBaron (Барон)
DogTara (Тара)
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
Dog2 photo aviableBlyek Boy (Блэк Бой)
DogZana (Зана)
Dog1 photo aviableCHapa (Чапа)
DogCHernushka (Чернушка)
DogGerda (Герда)
Dog3 photo aviableAlan Dayver (Алан Дайвер)
DogRina (Рина)
Dog1 photo aviableGera (Гера)
DogDasha (Даша)
DogSHarota SHelli Aldji (Шарота Шелли Алджи)
Dog3 photo aviableTaydi (Тайди)
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
Dog3 photo aviableZuray Dardji Bey (Зурай Дарджи Бей)
Dog1 photo aviableZaya Dardji Bey (Зая Дарджи Бей)
Dog2 photo aviablePrinc CHang Bey (Принц Чанг Бей)
Dog3 photo aviablePanda Bey (Панда Бей)
DogPallada Bey (Паллада Бей)
DogLi Gera Bey (Ли Гера Бей)
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
DogArno vom Erlengrund
DogTasso von der Juliana
DogEdda vom Hexenstein
Dog2 photo aviableGin von der Hudson Bay (Джин фон дер Гудзон Бей)
DogFerry von der Hudson Bay
DogCerabus (Церабус)
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Dar'ya (Морси Дарья)
DogMorsi Glafira (Морси Глафира)
DogMorsi Marfa (Морси Марфа)
DogGerti Marelle (Герти Марелле)
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogHarmonattan Nina
DogBlack Cesar (Black Cesar)
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
DogKama Podkowa
DogHarbour Beem Captain Laird
DogHarbour Beem Dolphin of Moryci
Dog5 photo aviableMorsi Kuzya (Морси Кузя)
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Fyokla (Морси Фёкла)
Dog1 photo aviableCHarodeyka (Чародейка)
DogDjipsi (Джипси)
Dog1 photo aviableGlafi Reya (Глафи Рея)
Dog2 photo aviableGlafi Regina (Глафи Регина)
DogWaldemar Burke
DogKlams Black Ah ha-Ja Jah
DogBjorntorp Ulrika
DogBjorntorp Umara
Dog1 photo aviablePontus von Mar Bella (Понтус фон Мар Белла)
DogGerogeest Ekko
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPatricia Of Bialand
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogMerikarhun Daisy
DogMerikarhun Don Juan
DogNattanin Rita
DogFinnbear Ira
DogFinnbear Katja
DogFinnbear Janus
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
Dog1 photo aviableBlack Beauty van de Papenhof
Dog1 photo aviableJeyra Fedra (Жейра Федра)
Dog2 photo aviableBerri CHan (Берри Чан)
Dog3 photo aviableAli von der Woltersdorfer Hohe (Али фон дер Вольтерсдорфер Хёэ)
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Sylvanerhof
DogDunja vom Kiefernhof
DogAlf vom Dolgensee
DogAlaika vom Arres Pfuhl
DogAda vom Brummelbar Hof
DogBeatrix vom Arres Pfuhl
Dog1 photo aviableAgava Ger (Агава Гер)
Dog1 photo aviableAli Grum (Али Грум)
DogLaika von Orlatal
DogAnett vom Tullnerhof
DogArifa vom Barensee
DogAmor von Cux
DogAtze vom Jakobshein
Dog1 photo aviableAstra von Pappelheim (Астра фон Папельхайм)
DogGreif von Blankenfeld
DogAmboss vom Plantagenhof
DogAnja von der Buchenhecke
DogFels vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogAfra vom Geiseltal
DogCitty vom Fuss der blauen Berge
DogDux von Dellheim
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
DogDalgrens Kim
DogWest Side Saba
Dog1 photo aviableLa Bellas Goliath
DogIan von St. Florian
DogBambino vom Wolfswinkel
DogCitti vom Cux
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableAlko von Dellheim
DogEmmes vom Brummelbar Hof
DogEike vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogKuba Ralf Rozany Stok
DogKrima Podkowa
Dog1 photo aviableKrim Podkowa
DogCaruso von der Rosselaue
DogCara Bryza Czarna Muszla
DogBummi von Frauenstein
DogBella von Hellerand
DogKoivuhaan Anna Bella
DogDanton vom Rosenhof
DogArko von der Edeltanne
DogYankee vom Domfelsen
DogBergit z Krkonosske chalupy
DogDar z Kornhausu
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogUrsulas Tailwagger Jennie
Dog1 photo aviableFerro von Soven
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Cariboo Cowboy
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
DogTopmast's Star Dust
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Cotton Candy
DogUrsulas Admiral Ascot
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
Dog1 photo aviableKarel von der Niederburg
DogCicero von Galloway
DogShalom von Porte Amarre
DogPia von Brungerst
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogUrsulas Eight O'Clock
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Blackberry
DogTopmast's Abigail Adams
DogBarharber's Sweet Sharlotte
Dog1 photo aviableBlackie
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogFelix von Nordlingen
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogFlirt vom Brummelbar Hof
DogSt. Georgi Antoine
DogBelzebub Leila
DogThuringiai Athos
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogHilvigs Helga
Dog1 photo aviableBuscha von Soven
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogGigie de Dourga
DogPooh Bear's Stormalong
DogTabus Milady Dewinter
DogUrsulas Terranova
DogCassandra of Brunhaus
DogDulrick's Very Bear
DogAnestesia's Magic Marker
DogDulrick's Bon Vivant
DogSeawards Minnie The Moocher
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogAlf vom Burgwall
DogAnette vom Wolfswinkel
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogBiserka vom Riesrand
DogAntje vom Goldenen Reiter
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogHornblowers Eye of the Storm
Dog1 photo aviableNapanewfs Angus of Kimtale
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKlovagardens Lonaja (Klovagardens Lonaja)
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogBubbelinas Aegir Skibber
DogLifebuoys Penny of Bubbelina
DogAuroralews Belle
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBoika aus der alten Muhle
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg

Generation 15

Dog1 photo aviableAmity's Bearfoot of Pouch Cove
DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
DogMotion Carried of Pouch Cove
DogTopmast's Snow Goose
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Lady of Spokin Lake
DogDjon (Джон)
DogDjoker (Джокер)
DogCHap (Чап)
DogBaron (Барон)
DogRogday (Рогдай)
DogTara (Тара)
DogInga (Инга)
DogZara (Зара)
DogZanga (Занга)
DogGranat (Гранат)
DogPurga (Пурга)
DogPushma (Пушма)
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableCHapa (Чапа)
DogCHernushka (Чернушка)
DogCHara (Чара)
DogGerda (Герда)
DogDina (Дина)
Dog3 photo aviableAlan Dayver (Алан Дайвер)
DogDasha (Даша)
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogCita von der Juliana
DogBarones vom Hexenstein
DogTasso von der Juliana
DogSandra von der Juliana
DogEdda vom Hexenstein
Dog2 photo aviableGin von der Hudson Bay (Джин фон дер Гудзон Бей)
DogFerry von der Hudson Bay
DogAara (Аара)
DogKarri (Карри)
DogCerabus (Церабус)
DogNera (Нера)
DogDjo (Джо)
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Dar'ya (Морси Дарья)
DogMorsi Glafira (Морси Глафира)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
DogAlderbay Bamse
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogHarmonattan Nina
Dog1 photo aviableLaban (Лабан)
Dog1 photo aviableRomy von der Schurz
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
DogGert vom Pulverhaus
DogDina von Orlatal
DogKama Podkowa
DogDryads Bonnie
DogHarbour Beem Captain Laird
DogGlenmires Tam of Harbour Beem
DogHarbour Beem Dolphin of Moryci
Dog5 photo aviableMorsi Kuzya (Морси Кузя)
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Fyokla (Морси Фёкла)
DogDjipsi (Джипси)
DogOnga (Онга)
DogBjorntorp Ulrika
DogBjorntorp Umara
Dog1 photo aviablePontus von Mar Bella (Понтус фон Мар Белла)
DogGerogeest Ekko
DogPunnilan Turja
DogTrappers Black Suomi
DogMerikarhun Daisy
DogNattanin Rita
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ira
DogFinnbear Katja
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
Dog1 photo aviableBlack Beauty van de Papenhof
Dog1 photo aviableJeyra Fedra (Жейра Федра)
Dog3 photo aviableAli von der Woltersdorfer Hohe (Али фон дер Вольтерсдорфер Хёэ)
DogAssat von der Kupferbreite
DogCora von der Altmarkperle
DogAstor von Badrina
DogCarlo von Orlatal
DogBerna vom Sylvanerhof
DogDoog von der Elsteraue
DogDunja vom Kiefernhof
DogAsta vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarbel vom Bayernzelt
DogBodo vom Bayernzelt
DogAlf vom Dolgensee
DogAlaika vom Arres Pfuhl
DogDodo vom Malaspiner Gletscher
DogAda vom Brummelbar Hof
DogBeatrix vom Arres Pfuhl
DogFrasquita vom Domfelsen
DogHeiko vom Kiefernhof
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAstor vom Augustinergrund
DogAnett vom Eckardtshof
DogAnett vom Tullnerhof
DogJudith vom Domfelsen
DogArifa vom Barensee
DogAmor von Cux
DogFrank vom Burgwall
DogElka vom Sylvanerhof
DogDingo von Petersruh
DogAmboss von Brosighutte
DogBessy von der Burg Normannstein
DogGreif von Blankenfeld
DogAndra vom Odereck
DogFee von Blankenfeld
DogBessy vom Lankernhof
DogAmboss vom Plantagenhof
DogKars Ali Podkowa
DogKosmos Szatan Podkowa
DogKobra Podkowa
DogBritta ze Szwierskovej Polany
DogAstor vom Klausenhof
DogAnje von Gillberg
DogFlorchen vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogFreia von Mollenshof
DogFalko von Mollenshof
DogArras vom Helenentor
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogDark von St. Florian
DogCherri von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
DogFesta von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableGalathee von der Niederburg
DogCita vom Gramschatzerwald
DogAvalons Aphrodite
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogDalgrens Kim
DogAuricco Robina
DogBlack Hannibal av Helluland
DogWest Side Saba
Dog1 photo aviableLa Bellas Goliath
DogIan von St. Florian
DogBambino vom Wolfswinkel
DogBarry vom Brockenblick
DogDanja vom Tullnerhof
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
DogTuckamores Norell
DogFlying Clouds Far Hill
Dog1 photo aviableAlko von Dellheim
DogBob vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogKuba Ralf Rozany Stok
DogKrima Podkowa
DogArka ze Zamku Lesna
DogCaruso von der Rosselaue
DogBummi von Frauenstein
DogSuraya vom Domfelsen
DogEx vom Geraldinerhof
DogEx von der Halden
DogAsta vom Wurdenweg
DogDingo von der Edelweissgrotte
DogCora z Hudcova dvora
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Cotton Candy
DogUrsulas Admiral Ascot
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogCicero von Galloway
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogUrsulas Eight O'Clock
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogAntje von Soven
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogThuringiai Athos
DogEnglee Anette
DogBarharbers Amy of Pouch Cove
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
DogHilvigs Helga
DogMooncussers RSVP of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogProud Magi's Lady-Sprint Baby
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
Dog2 photo aviableNormas Hortensia
DogCabot Doeschka
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogAnka vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogAntje vom Petschbach
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogWaranslattens Pol
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogAntje vom Goldenen Reiter
DogBujan vom Malaspiner Gletscher
DogAssi von der Ratseiche
DogOphelia of Bialand
DogHarmonattan Rob
DogFatima av Forsborg
DogQueen vom Domfelsen
DogHenner von Brungerst
Dog1 photo aviableSpokinewf's Licorice all Sorts
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogHornblowers Eye of the Storm
Dog1 photo aviableNapanewfs Angus of Kimtale
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMooncussers Dutch Treat
DogBlack Brandy of Brunhaus
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
Dog1 photo aviableDouglas van de Papenhof
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogIngo von Brungerst
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogEvangelines Cochise
DogDalkens Bow Derek
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 16

DogTisr the Season of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
Dog2 photo aviableHanka (Ханка)
Dog1 photo aviableGrum (Грум)
DogCHardash (Чардаш)
DogCHesma (Чесма)
DogDjon (Джон)
DogDjoker (Джокер)
DogCHap (Чап)
DogBaron (Барон)
DogTara (Тара)
DogInga (Инга)
DogZana (Зана)
DogZara (Зара)
DogZanga (Занга)
DogGranat (Гранат)
DogOrda (Орда)
DogPurga (Пурга)
DogPushma (Пушма)
DogPoyma (Пойма)
Dog1 photo aviableKondor (Кондор)
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogCHernushka (Чернушка)
DogDasha (Даша)
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogCita von der Juliana
DogBarones vom Hexenstein
DogTasso von der Juliana
DogSandra von der Juliana
DogEdda vom Hexenstein
DogFilou vom Hexenstein
DogFerry von der Hudson Bay
DogKyarri (Кярри)
DogMur'yan (Мурьян)
DogMaks (Макс)
DogAara (Аара)
DogAster (Астер)
DogKarri (Карри)
DogCerabus (Церабус)
DogNera (Нера)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
DogAlderbay Bamse
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
DogHarmonattan Nina
Dog1 photo aviableRomy von der Schurz
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogGert vom Pulverhaus
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogCarola von Falkenhorst
DogKatja von Thyrow
DogAstrid von Juring
DogAjax von der Karrasburg
DogAnett vom Sylvanerhof
DogEdda Condessa von Marienborn
DogHelga von der Schurz
DogMarshall Plan of Glenmire
DogWesterland Lady of Glenmire
DogDryads Goliath of Gath
DogDryads Gum Drop
DogDryads Bonnie
DogHarbour Beem Captain Laird
DogGlenmires Tam of Harbour Beem
DogHarbour Beem Dolphin of Moryci
Dog5 photo aviableMorsi Kuzya (Морси Кузя)
Dog1 photo aviableMorsi Fyokla (Морси Фёкла)
Dog1 photo aviablePontus von Mar Bella (Понтус фон Мар Белла)
DogNunnu von Mar Bella
DogGerogeest Ekko
DogPunnilan Turja
DogMerikarhun Daisy
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ira
DogFinnbear Katja
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
Dog1 photo aviableBlack Beauty van de Papenhof
DogAssat von der Kupferbreite
DogBill von der Kupferbreite
DogCora von der Altmarkperle
DogAstor von Badrina
DogCarlo von Orlatal
DogBerna vom Sylvanerhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Sylvanerhof
DogDoog von der Elsteraue
DogDunja vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableArco vom Kiefernhof
DogAsta vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarbel vom Bayernzelt
DogBodo vom Bayernzelt
DogAlf vom Dolgensee
DogAnja vom Arres Pfuhl
DogAlaika vom Arres Pfuhl
DogDodo vom Malaspiner Gletscher
DogDaisy vom Ontario See
DogBeatrix vom Arres Pfuhl
DogBiggy vom Arres Pfuhl
DogElke vom Burgwall
DogEddo vom Domfelsen
DogFrasquita vom Domfelsen
DogHeiko vom Kiefernhof
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAstor vom Augustinergrund
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
DogAnett vom Eckardtshof
DogLaika von Orlatal
DogAnett vom Tullnerhof
DogJudith vom Domfelsen
DogAtze vom Jakobshein
DogJunta vom Sylvanerhof
DogFrank vom Burgwall
DogDiana von Petersruh
DogGreif von Blankenfeld
DogAndra vom Odereck
DogFee von Blankenfeld
DogKars Ali Podkowa
DogKosmos Szatan Podkowa
DogKobra Podkowa
DogBambi ze Szwierskowej Polany
DogBritta ze Szwierskovej Polany
DogAnja von der Buchenhecke
DogFels vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogFlorchen vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogFreia von Mollenshof
DogNora von Orlatal
DogAfra vom Geiseltal
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogDraga von St. Florian
DogDark von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
DogFesta von St. Florian
DogCita vom Gramschatzerwald
DogAvalons Aphrodite
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogDalgrens Kim
DogAuricco Robina
DogBlack Hannibal av Helluland
DogWest Side Saba
DogIan von St. Florian
DogBambino vom Wolfswinkel
DogBarry vom Brockenblick
DogGabor vom Wolfswinkel
Dog5 photo aviableSchooners Yosef of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableAd Lib of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableAlko von Dellheim
DogChristoph vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogBob vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogEx vom Geraldinerhof
Dog1 photo aviableCaniz Major Skibber
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Prairie Lily
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogCicero von Galloway
DogDiana vom Broichbachtal
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogTopmast's Hannibal
DogQuintus von Brungerst
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogMarelle av Ros-Loge
DogEnglee Anette
DogAtta von Orlatal
Dog2 photo aviableTopmast's Pied Piper
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
Dog1 photo aviablePoldi von der Schurz
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogBritta von Paderborn
DogConny von der Warte
DogAstrid vom Hexenstein
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableArchibald van de Spoolderberg
DogCarla van het Singelhuis
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
Dog2 photo aviableNormas Hortensia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogBanause von Plumperdum
DogDunja vom Burgwall
DogCarlo von der Engelsburg
DogAsta von Thyrow
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogBarbel vom Sporthausl
DogHeiner vom Pulverhaus
DogAnett vom Bordestolz
DogAfra von der Altmarkperle
DogBianca vom Kiefernhof
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogAsta vom Elsengrund
DogAsko von Germania Eck
DogDina vom Haus Greifenhagen
DogAlf vom Burgwall
DogAnette vom Wolfswinkel
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogWaranslattens Pol
DogAuricco Black Capella
DogBlack Sir Wotan av Helluland
DogArap von Sanssouci
DogCitta von Klingelborn
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Dutch of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableTuckamores Ely of Pouch Cove
DogAmitys Daydream of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableCanoochee de Nashau Auke
DogBenham Knolls Amy
DogBujan vom Malaspiner Gletscher
DogAssi von der Ratseiche
DogAxel vom Eisenberger Mohren
DogAnka von Petersruh
DogAfra z Neuberku
DogAldo vom Akazienberg
DogBesie ze Starkova dvora
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
Dog1 photo aviableNapanewfs Angus of Kimtale
DogBjergegards Wilma-B
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviableElodie von der Niederburg
DogCaniz Major Umbra Mira
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogAnuk von der Schneebergeiche

Generation 17

Dog1 photo aviableKuhaias Yankee of Newton Ark
DogFakt (Факт)
Dog1 photo aviableFomka (Фомка)
Dog2 photo aviableHanka (Ханка)
DogTiza (Тиза)
DogUfa (Уфа)
Dog1 photo aviableGrum (Грум)
DogCHardash (Чардаш)
DogCHesma (Чесма)
DogDjon (Джон)
DogZvenka (Звенка)
DogDjoker (Джокер)
DogZana (Зана)
DogZara (Зара)
DogZanga (Занга)
DogGranat (Гранат)
DogPurga (Пурга)
DogPushma (Пушма)
Dog1 photo aviableKondor (Кондор)
Dog1 photo aviableMarietta von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
DogJussof von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
DogBaya vom Seefeldthof
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogCita von der Juliana
DogBarones vom Hexenstein
DogTasso von der Juliana
DogSandra von der Juliana
DogEdda vom Hexenstein
DogFilou vom Hexenstein
DogRadja (Раджа)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKyarri (Кярри)
DogKaru (Кару)
DogMur'yan (Мурьян)
DogMaks (Макс)
DogAara (Аара)
DogAster (Астер)
DogKarri (Карри)
DogNera (Нера)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
Dog1 photo aviableRomy von der Schurz
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableAstor von Teltower-Busch
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogCilly vom Inselhof
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogCarola von Falkenhorst
DogKatja von Thyrow
DogFroni von der Uckermark
DogAstrid von Juring
DogAjax von der Karrasburg
DogEdda Condessa von Marienborn
DogDina von Orlatal
DogHelga von der Schurz
DogMarshall Plan of Glenmire
DogWesterland Lady of Glenmire
DogDryads Goliath of Gath
DogDryads Gum Drop
DogDryads Bonnie
DogHarbour Beem Captain Laird
DogGlenmires Tam of Harbour Beem
DogHarbour Beem Dolphin of Moryci
DogGerogeest Ekko
DogPunnilan Turja
DogMerikarhun Daisy
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Katja
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogAssat von der Kupferbreite
DogBill von der Kupferbreite
DogAsta von der Kupferbreite
DogCora von der Altmarkperle
DogAstor von Badrina
DogCarlo von Orlatal
DogBerna vom Sylvanerhof
DogDoog von der Elsteraue
DogDunja vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableArco vom Kiefernhof
DogAsta vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarbel vom Bayernzelt
DogBodo vom Bayernzelt
DogAlf vom Dolgensee
DogElke vom Burgwall
DogEddo vom Domfelsen
DogFrasquita vom Domfelsen
DogHeiko vom Kiefernhof
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAstor vom Augustinergrund
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
DogFrank vom Burgwall
DogElka vom Sylvanerhof
DogEvi vom Sylvanerhof
DogDingo von Petersruh
DogDiana von Petersruh
DogFee von Blankenfeld
DogBambi ze Szwierskowej Polany
DogFlorchen vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogFreia von Mollenshof
DogNora von Orlatal
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogDraga von St. Florian
DogDark von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
DogFesta von St. Florian
DogAvalons Aphrodite
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogAuricco Robina
DogBlack Hannibal av Helluland
DogBambino vom Wolfswinkel
DogBarry vom Brockenblick
Dog1 photo aviableAlko von Dellheim
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogCicero von Galloway
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogCaniz Major Wilma
Dog1 photo aviableLittle Bears Royal Top Gallant
DogBurga vom Broichbachtal
DogHexe von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableTopmast's Hello Dolly
DogLiberated Lady of Pouch Cove
Dog1 photo aviablePouch Cove's Gref of Newton Ark
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogLord (Лорд)
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
Dog1 photo aviablePoldi von der Schurz
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogBritta von Paderborn
DogConny von der Warte
DogAstrid vom Hexenstein
DogKaaro (Кааро)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogMutta (Мутта)
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableArchibald van de Spoolderberg
DogCarla van het Singelhuis
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
DogBruno vom Gotthelfsberg
Dog1 photo aviablePita von der Schurz
Dog4 photo aviableCedarbecks Prince Stephen
DogWesterland Donna
DogTopsails Captain Bob Bartlett
DogBlack Velvet of Sparry
DogDryads Anchorage of Waseeka
DogDryads Spinnaker
DogPerivale Sea Ranger
DogDryads Ocean Belle
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
Dog2 photo aviableNormas Hortensia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogBanause von Plumperdum
DogDunja vom Burgwall
DogCarlo von der Engelsburg
DogAsta von Thyrow
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogBarbel vom Sporthausl
DogAbo von Bordestolz
DogHeiner vom Pulverhaus
DogAnett vom Bordestolz
DogFee von Thyrow
DogAfra von der Altmarkperle
DogBianca vom Kiefernhof
DogCondessa von der Linde
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogAsta vom Elsengrund
DogAsko von Germania Eck
DogDina vom Haus Greifenhagen
DogAnka vom Ronneburger Schloss
DogAntje vom Petschbach
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogWaranslattens Pol
DogAuricco Black Capella
DogBlack Sir Wotan av Helluland
DogArap von Sanssouci
DogCitta von Klingelborn
DogFerrylands Abby of Newton Ark
DogLokis Drummer of Newton Ark
DogAnka von Petersruh
DogLittle Bears Uncharted Sea
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogMara von St. Fridolin
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
Dog1 photo aviableOuttrails Kojak of Topmast
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof
DogPan Pilades av Ros-Loge
DogAnuk von der Schneebergeiche

Generation 18

DogFakt (Факт)
Dog1 photo aviableFomka (Фомка)
Dog2 photo aviableHanka (Ханка)
DogTiza (Тиза)
DogUfa (Уфа)
DogNegus von Mannheim (Негус)
Dog1 photo aviableGrum (Грум)
DogCHardash (Чардаш)
DogCHesma (Чесма)
DogDjon (Джон)
DogFtora (Фтора)
DogZana (Зана)
DogZara (Зара)
Dog1 photo aviableKondor (Кондор)
Dog1 photo aviableMarietta von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
DogJussof von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAstra von Wartenberg
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableArko von der Linde
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
DogBaya vom Seefeldthof
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogHalef von Giskadi
DogCita von der Juliana
DogBarones vom Hexenstein
DogSandra von der Juliana
DogFilou vom Hexenstein
DogRadja (Раджа)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKyarri (Кярри)
DogKaru (Кару)
DogMur'yan (Мурьян)
DogMaks (Макс)
DogAara (Аара)
DogAster (Астер)
DogKarri (Карри)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
Dog1 photo aviableRomy von der Schurz
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableAstor von Teltower-Busch
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogCilly vom Inselhof
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogAstrid von Juring
DogAjax von der Karrasburg
DogAnett vom Sylvanerhof
DogEdda Condessa von Marienborn
DogHelga von der Schurz
DogMarshall Plan of Glenmire
DogWesterland Lady of Glenmire
DogDryads Goliath of Gath
DogDryads Gum Drop
DogDryads Bonnie
DogHarbour Beem Captain Laird
DogGlenmires Tam of Harbour Beem
DogPunnilan Turja
DogMerikarhun Daisy
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogAssat von der Kupferbreite
DogAstor von Badrina
DogCarlo von Orlatal
DogBerna vom Sylvanerhof
DogDoog von der Elsteraue
Dog1 photo aviableArco vom Kiefernhof
DogAsta vom Kiefernhof
Dog1 photo aviableBarbel vom Bayernzelt
DogFrasquita vom Domfelsen
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
DogFrank vom Burgwall
DogFlorchen vom Ronneburger Schloss
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogDraga von St. Florian
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogBarry vom Brockenblick
DogBlack Alexandrow
Dog1 photo aviableRik vom Blattenhof
DogLittle Bears Tippo
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogLittle Bears Right Smart Snow
DogSparrys Treasure of Littlegrange
DogHexe von der Juliana
DogKira (Кира)
DogAtta von Orlatal
Dog1 photo aviableOdin of Blackknight
DogLord (Лорд)
DogKarabashka (kavkazskaya ovcharka) (Карабашка (кавказская овчарка))
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
Dog1 photo aviablePoldi von der Schurz
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogBritta von Paderborn
DogConny von der Warte
DogAstrid vom Hexenstein
DogVander (Вандер)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKaaro (Кааро)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogRadj (Радж)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogMutta (Мутта)
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableArchibald van de Spoolderberg
DogCarla van het Singelhuis
Dog1 photo aviableKuno von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogBlanca von Burgund
DogHexe von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
DogLuna vom Tore
DogBruno vom Gotthelfsberg
Dog1 photo aviablePita von der Schurz
Dog4 photo aviableCedarbecks Prince Stephen
DogWesterland Donna
DogTopsails Captain Bob Bartlett
DogBlack Velvet of Sparry
DogDryads Anchorage of Waseeka
DogDryads Spinnaker
DogPerivale Sea Ranger
DogDryads Ocean Belle
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
Dog2 photo aviableNormas Hortensia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogBanause von Plumperdum
DogDunja vom Burgwall
DogCarlo von der Engelsburg
DogAsta von Thyrow
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogBarbel vom Sporthausl
DogAbo von Bordestolz
DogHeiner vom Pulverhaus
DogAnett vom Bordestolz
DogFee von Thyrow
DogAfra von der Altmarkperle
DogBianca vom Kiefernhof
DogCondessa von der Linde
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogAsta vom Elsengrund
DogAsko von Germania Eck
DogDina vom Haus Greifenhagen
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogAuricco Black Capella
DogBlack Sir Wotan av Helluland
DogArap von Sanssouci
DogCitta von Klingelborn
DogAnka von Petersruh
DogCallis Shade of Black
DogKilykas Becky Jo of Pouch Cove
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogBauschan vom Fichtenberg
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof

Generation 19

DogFakt (Факт)
Dog1 photo aviableFomka (Фомка)
Dog2 photo aviableHanka (Ханка)
Dog1 photo aviableCHelkash (Челкаш)
DogTiza (Тиза)
DogUfa (Уфа)
DogNegus von Mannheim (Негус)
Dog1 photo aviableGrum (Грум)
DogCHardash (Чардаш)
DogOrbita (Орбита)
DogAstor Halloren
DogKuna von Gaiberg
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
DogJussof von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAstra von Wartenberg
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableArko von der Linde
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
DogBaya vom Seefeldthof
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
DogAnuk von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableAra von St. Florian
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogBarones vom Hexenstein
DogRadja (Раджа)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKyarri (Кярри)
DogKaru (Кару)
DogMur'yan (Мурьян)
DogMaks (Макс)
DogAster (Астер)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
DogAlderbay Attila
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
Dog1 photo aviableRomy von der Schurz
DogPia vom Margarethenhof
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogCilly vom Inselhof
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogAjax von der Karrasburg
DogHelga von der Schurz
DogMarshall Plan of Glenmire
DogWesterland Lady of Glenmire
DogDryads Goliath of Gath
DogDryads Gum Drop
DogGlenmires Tam of Harbour Beem
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPunnilan Morri
DogFinnbear Ikaros
DogAvalons Daphne
DogCarlo von Orlatal
DogDoog von der Elsteraue
DogFrasquita vom Domfelsen
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
DogFrank vom Burgwall
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
DogAmor von Grundhof
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogLittle Bears Letter of Marque II
DogHexe von der Juliana
Dog1 photo aviableDigo von den Peck-Bergen
DogKira (Кира)
DogLord (Лорд)
DogKarabashka (kavkazskaya ovcharka) (Карабашка (кавказская овчарка))
DogAl'fa (vostochnoevropeyskaya ovcharka) (Альфа (восточноевропейская овчарка))
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogAssi von Radnikslust
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
Dog1 photo aviablePoldi von der Schurz
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogBritta von Paderborn
DogConny von der Warte
DogAstrid vom Hexenstein
DogVander (Вандер)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKaaro (Кааро)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogRadj (Радж)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogMutta (Мутта)
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableArchibald van de Spoolderberg
DogCarla van het Singelhuis
Dog1 photo aviableKuno von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogBlanca von Burgund
DogHexe von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
DogLuna vom Tore
DogBruno vom Gotthelfsberg
Dog1 photo aviablePita von der Schurz
Dog4 photo aviableCedarbecks Prince Stephen
DogWesterland Donna
DogTopsails Captain Bob Bartlett
DogBlack Velvet of Sparry
DogDryads Anchorage of Waseeka
DogDryads Spinnaker
DogPerivale Sea Ranger
DogDryads Ocean Belle
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
Dog2 photo aviableNormas Hortensia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogBanause von Plumperdum
DogDunja vom Burgwall
DogCarlo von der Engelsburg
DogAsta von Thyrow
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogBarbel vom Sporthausl
DogHeiner vom Pulverhaus
DogAnett vom Bordestolz
DogCondessa von der Linde
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogAsta vom Elsengrund
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogArap von Sanssouci
DogCitta von Klingelborn
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Ulysses Wife
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogSuleskerry Steersman
DogCherry of Littlegrange
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof
DogArap (Арап)

Generation 20

DogFakt (Факт)
Dog1 photo aviableFomka (Фомка)
DogTiza (Тиза)
DogUfa (Уфа)
DogTonna (Тонна)
DogNegus von Mannheim (Негус)
DogAstor Halloren
DogKuna von Gaiberg
Dog1 photo aviableJanko von den Peck-Bergen
DogJussof von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableCito von Zschimmerroth
DogBiene von Giskadi
DogAstra von Wartenberg
DogAnja von Zschimmerroth
Dog1 photo aviableArko von der Linde
DogArvid von Charlottenhof
DogRowald vom Habichtshorst
Dog1 photo aviableLeonidas v. Сharlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableCandra von Giskadi
DogRadja (Раджа)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKaru (Кару)
DogMur'yan (Мурьян)
DogMaks (Макс)
Dog1 photo aviableGerogeest Attan
DogUbelias Arletta
Dog1 photo aviableHarmonattan Mike
Dog1 photo aviableBob von der Warte
Dog1 photo aviableAnthony von der Warte
DogAntje von Trips Trill
DogHelga von der Schurz
DogMarshall Plan of Glenmire
DogWesterland Lady of Glenmire
DogPunnilan Turja
DogPunnilan Morri
DogAvalons Daphne
DogFilou vom Pulverhaus
DogAssat vom Eckardtshof
Dog1 photo aviableBarry vom Grenzberg
Dog1 photo aviableDuke van het Zeepaardje
DogKlaus von Radegast
DogCacilia von Lindenberg
DogRex von der Schwarzach
DogCisa von Alt-Heidelberg
DogAbs von der Uckermark
Dog1 photo aviableAsta von den Peck-Bergen
Dog1 photo aviableDigo von den Peck-Bergen
DogKira (Кира)
DogLord (Лорд)
DogKarabashka (kavkazskaya ovcharka) (Карабашка (кавказская овчарка))
DogAl'fa (vostochnoevropeyskaya ovcharka) (Альфа (восточноевропейская овчарка))
DogRoy (rizenshnaucer) (Рой (ризеншнауцер))
DogCasar von Hubertussee
DogAssi von Radnikslust
DogFarida von Charlottenhof
Dog1 photo aviableGladiator von Charlottenhof
DogIlona von Charlottenhof
DogKastor von Zollern
DogEliane von der Juliana
DogBritta von Paderborn
DogConny von der Warte
DogAstrid vom Hexenstein
DogVander (Вандер)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogKaaro (Кааро)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogRadj (Радж)
DogLedi (Леди)
DogMutta (Мутта)
Dog1 photo aviablePere Noble van Nordwige
Dog1 photo aviableTheresia van de Drie Anjers
Dog1 photo aviableArchibald van de Spoolderberg
DogCarla van het Singelhuis
Dog1 photo aviableKathi von den Peck-Bergen
DogElke von den Peck-Bergen
DogLuna vom Tore
DogBruno vom Gotthelfsberg
Dog1 photo aviablePita von der Schurz
Dog4 photo aviableCedarbecks Prince Stephen
DogWesterland Donna
DogTopsails Captain Bob Bartlett
DogBlack Velvet of Sparry
DogDryads Anchorage of Waseeka
DogDryads Spinnaker
DogPerivale Sea Ranger
DogDryads Ocean Belle
Dog1 photo aviableNormas Harmonia
DogGerogeest Nalle
DogBritta vom Hause Eick-Sohne
DogCabot Doeschka
DogCarlo von der Engelsburg
DogAsta von Thyrow
DogCarlo vom Inselhof
DogAsta von der Schweizerhohe
DogHeiner vom Pulverhaus
DogAnett vom Bordestolz
DogMytho vom Tore
DogElna vom Pulverhaus
DogSusi von der Wilhelmshohe
Dog1 photo aviableBaldur van het Zeepaardje
DogLittle Bears Canicula Campio
DogLittle Bears Cats Paw
DogBrigitta van het Zeepaardje
DogSonja von Kulm
DogBasco vom Pfarrhof
DogArap (Арап)


Всего 2409 собак - 1092 кобеля и 1317 сук.


To describe in detail: ancestors | bescendants.

Numbering system: is absent | Konovalov | d'Abovill.

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31 December 2024
22:23 SNOU-KVIN (СНОУ-КВИН): С новым годом!!! Пусть сбываются все мечты и мгновенно появляются новые!!!
1 January 2025
00:23 Jakov (Жаков): С Новым годом!
18:50 YEl'vira (Эльвира): С Новым годом!
20:15 YEl'vira (Эльвира): С Новым годом!
2 January 2025
06:07 Dori (Дори): С Новым годом!!!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
17:01 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Рад, что с 2006 года здесь! Новый Год, НЬЮФЫ, что может быть лучше! Prozit!
7 January 2025
15:27 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): 19 км СПБ-Токсово, Лен. обл. По шоссе бежит ньюф домашний, ухоженный... ВК
8 January 2025
00:34 Jakov (Жаков): Евгений, сообщают, что уже нашли хозяев.
07:00 SEvgeniy (СЕвгений): Ну и хорошо, повезло, и ему, и хозяевам...
20 February 2025
12:49 Busya: Сайт РКПН умер или переехал куда? Кто-то в курсе? Не соскучилась, просто нашла старые ссылки, а там фига.
14:25 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
14:25 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
14:26 YEl'vira (Эльвира): Семинар РКФ по ССВ по новому нормативу
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// Editor: Kirill Ermakov
// Developer: Eugene Nenaglyadov
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